The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 12/10/2024 at 2:50PM.
They will be voting on several intermunicipal agreements with area counties and municipalities for transit-related services.
As information items, they will be receiving the October 2024 Finance Report and Ridership Report. October ridership in 2024 is below 2023 and 2022 levels and down 35,000 from 2019 pre-Covid levels. It’s only 15,000 rides higher than ridership in October of 2020 during the height of Covid.

[It’s hard to look at the lack of transit use evinced by these numbers and not question the wisdom of spending millions of federal taxpayer dollars on a new transit center. Beyond that, it’s honestly hard to not question the value of public transportation in the Fox Cities in general. I cannot imagine a private company operating in this manner with these levels of losses. This looks like a charity service, and as a charity service it might have benefit, but I’m not sure the government should be the one to run that charity.]
View full meeting details here:
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