The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 12/09/2024 at 4:30PM.
They have three items on the agenda.
The first is a request to approve traffic calming design changes to the Morrison Street Asphalt Reconstruction project. City staff is requesting the addition of
- A traffic calming circle at the Morrison/Brewster intersection
- Curb extensions at the Parkway Drive/Erb Pool Driveway intersection
- A raised concrete crosswalk at the south side of the Parkway Drive/Erb Pool Driveway intersection

The reconstruction of the section of Morrison just north of this area garnered some neighborhood feedback in 2023 when it was brought before the Municipal Services Committee for a vote. While residents did not oppose the reconstruction of the street per se, they wanted the design to remain the same as it currently was. They did not like the proposed traffic circle, the narrowing of the street, or the loss of parking on one side. They did not understand what the purpose of traffic calming measures was because speeding was not a problem on the street.
The second is a request to award the 2025 contract for operation, maintenance, and monitoring at the closed City of Appleton landfill to SCS Engineers in an amount not to exceed $76,361.

The final item is a sole source purchase request for various traffic equipment and technologies. Traffic and Parking Control Company, Inc (TAPCO) is the exclusive vendor in Wisconsin for Siemens traffic signal cabinet and control equipment. The City of Appleton uses that brand and therefore needs to purchase equipment from TAPCO.
View full meeting details here:
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