Safety and Licensing Committee Meeting 09/25/2025 – Will Vote On Police Department Recommendation To Deny Bartender Renewal License To Applicant With Recent Felony Conviction For Operating With A Prohibited Alcohol Concentration Level

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 09/25/2024 at 5:30PM.

The item I would expect to result in the most discussion is the request to deny an operator/bartender renewal license for an applicant named Cindy. Between 1995 and 2007 she was convicted of separate misdemeanor charges of operating while intoxicated. In January of this year, she was convicted of operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration, a felony. At the time of conviction, she held an active bartender license. Per the memo from Police Lieutenant Ben Goodin, Cindy “has not shown the ability to make sound decisions by understanding when [she] has had too much to drink and is unsafe to operate a motor vehicle.”

The committee has the ability to recommend approval of the license if they believe Cindy has provided adequate evidence and documentation of rehabilitation.

Additionally, the committee will be voting on a request to amend and update the Municipal Code pertaining to the adoption of fire codes and standards.

Finally, they will be voting on three temporary alcohol licenses for various events and one regular Class B Beer and Blass B Liquor License application.

As information items, they will be receiving hiring updates from the Fire Chief and Police Chief.

View full meeting details here:

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