Common Council Meeting 09/18/2024 – Will Vote On Public Participation Plan Related To City’s Comprehensive Plan Update

The Common Council is meeting 09/18/2024 at 7PM.

I could easily see this meeting being one of the shorter ones this year. All of the committee meetings this last week were on the shorter side, and none of the action items garnered much discussion.

I can identify two items that seem to be likely candidates for being separated out for individual votes. If Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) is at the meeting the Full-Service Retail Outlet Transfer application from McFleshman’s for Fox Valley Lager Fest Event – October 5, 2024 will need to be separated out so that the alderperson, who is associated with McFleshman’s, can abstain from voting.

The other item that seems likely to be separated out is the request to approve the Public Participation Plan for the upcoming update to the City’s Comprehensive Plan. This item probably generated the most discussion at any committee meeting this past week.

Although not controversial, it seems that separating it out would be an easy way to highlight that the Comprehensive Plan is being updated and that there will be multiple opportunities for the public to provide feedback during that process.

View full meeting details here:

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