Municipal Services Committee Approves 3 Road-Related Items, Holds Ballard Road Driveway Extension Variance Until 09/23 Meeting

The Municipal Services Committee met 09/09/2024.

The entire meeting lasted for just under 3 ½ minutes. Given the brief length of the meeting, I have not prepared a transcript, but I have included the agenda packet for download.

The three road-related items on the agenda were approved unanimously with no discussion and no information provided by staff beyond what was in the memos.

The variance request for a driveway extension on Ballard Road was held until the next Municipal Services Committee on 09/23/2024.

Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) made the motion to hold. Her reason for doing so was that the property owner and Alderperson Chris Croatt (District 14) were not in attendance. The property owner had intended to attend the meeting but was not there, and Alderperson Croatt was unable to attend the meeting but had some points regarding the variance request that he wanted to discuss. The motion to hold was approved unanimously.

View full meeting details and video here:

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