Municipal Services Committee Approves 3 Road-Related Items, Holds Ballard Road Driveway Extension Variance Until 09/23 Meeting

The Municipal Services Committee met 09/09/2024. The entire meeting lasted for just under 3 ½ minutes. Given the brief length of the meeting, I have not prepared a transcript, but I have included the agenda packet for download. The three road-related items on the agenda […]

Corner Pub Still Not Open Nearly 3 Weeks After Common Council Voted To Renew Its Alcohol License – The Business Has Now Been Closed For 19 Months

It is almost 3 weeks since the Common Council voted on 08/21/2024 to renew the alcohol license for the Corner Pub, but the bar is still not open for business. The bar has now been closed and not utilizing its license for 19 months since […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 09/11/2024 – Will Vote On Various License Applications And Two Retail Outlet Transfer Applications

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 09/11/2024 at 5:30PM. The agenda mostly consists of various license applications and temporary license applications as well as two retail outlet transfer applications—one from Hop Yard Ale Works to facilitate the Flicks and Sips event on 10/04/2024 and […]