City Plan Commission Meeting 07/24/2024 – Will Vote On Three Items Related To Mixed-Use Development Of Thrivent Property

The City Plan Commission is meeting 07/24/2024 at 3:30:PM.

They have three public hearings on the agenda along with three associated action items all related to Thrivent’s property between Ballard Road and Mead Street.

Thrivent would like to rezone the property, update the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, and amend the Planned Development District associated with their property in order to facilitate the construction of a mixed-use development.

The staff memo describes Thrivent’s master plan for the development saying it will consist of “office and retail buildings adjacent to Interstate HWY 41 (HWY 41), offering employment opportunities and prime visibility. Moving along Ballard Road from HWY 41 northward to Milestone Drive, the land is proposed for commercial buildings, creating a shopping and business corridor.

“Centrally located within the property, is a blend of proposed single-family, multi-family apartment and townhome buildings and mixed-use buildings, with 1st floor commercial spaces and residential units above, encouraging employment, shopping, housing and entertainment opportunities. This land use group surrounds the existing Thrivent corporate office which will be repurposed. Transitioning to the north and west, the proposed concept master plan features single-family residential homes on ±5,500 and ±11,000 square foot lots. The larger proposed single-family lots are located adjacent to existing single-family lots with similar lot sizes that border the Thrivent property to north, west and east.

“Throughout the proposed development, open spaces, parks, trails, and pathways are interspersed, promoting outdoor activities and connectivity for the residents, employees, and visitors alike.”

The city has received feedback from at least one homeowner in a nearby neighborhood who states he is speaking on behalf of his community and expressed some opposition to the proposed development plans. The residents are concerned that the development will harm their property values and would like to maintain the southeastern part of the Thrivent land as undeveloped.

In addition to voting on these items, the commission will receive as an information item a presentation on the new vision for West College Avenue from Mall Drive to Richmond Street.

View full meeting details here:

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