Board Of Health Meeting 06/12/2024 – Will Review City’s Tuberculosis Screening Policy

The Board of Health is meeting 06/12/2024 at 7AM. They have a few housekeeping action items on the agenda as well as a policy review of the city’s tuberculosis screening policy. They have a number of information items on the agenda. These include Table of […]

Utilities Committee Meeting 06/11/2024 – Will Vote On Electronic Compliance Maintenance Annual Report, Revised Agreements For Stormwater Ponds, Equipment Purchase For Water Filtration Plant

The Utilities Committee is meeting 06/11/2024 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on a request to approve the Electronic Compliance Maintenance Annual Report for 2023. They will also be voting on revised agreements for the stormwater ponds at Memorial Park and Reid Golf Course. Finally, […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 06/11/2024 – Will Vote On Proposal To Replace Evening And Saturday Afternoon Bus Service With Connector Service

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 06/11/2024 at 2:50PM. They have two action items on the agenda. The first is a request to approve the redesignation of the Appleton/Fox Cities Metropolitan Planning Organization in accordance with federal code. The second item is probably of […]

Board Of Education Meeting 06/10/2024 – Will Vote On STEM Curriculum And Materials For 5k – 5th Grade, Standards And Curriculum For High School Classes On Education And Child Development

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 06/10/2024 at 6PM. They will be voting on a request to approve STEM curriculum and materials for 5k – 5th grade. The total cost per school for the materials is approximately $51,500. They will also […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Meeting 06/10/2024 – Will Vote On Anti-Pesticide Resolution, Urban Forestry Grant Request, Update To Park Pavilion Rental Policy

The Parks and Recreation Committee is meeting 06/10/2024 at 6:15PM. They will be voting on Resolution 4-R-24 which would prevent Appleton’s government employees and contractors from using certain pesticides on public property. City staff opposes this resolution and has written a 125-page memo outlining their […]

Finance Committee Meeting 06/10/2024 – Will Vote On Police Department Mural, Lutz Park Trail And Shoreline Project, Loan To Replace Lead Service Lines

The Finance Committee is meeting 06/10/2024 at 5:30PM. Their agenda items seem fairly straightforward, and nothing stands out to me as likely to generate a lot of conversation. The first item is a request from the Police Department to paint a mural on the department’s […]

Common Council Votes 12-1 To Approve Responsible Bidder Policy – Alderperson Doran Questions If Policy Will Lead To Higher Project Costs

The Common Council met 06/05/2024. One of the items separated out for an individual vote was the resolution establishing an ordinance for a Responsible Bidder Policy. This policy will lay out the expectations the city has for contractors it works with, covering things such a […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 06/10/2024 – Will Vote On Anti-Pesticide Resolution, Resolution To Rescind No Mow May, Decide Next Steps On Bird Scooters

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 06/10/2024 at 4:30PM. They have a very full agenda that includes two resolutions, action regarding the ongoing Bird scooter discussion, multiple requests for various street occupancy permits, and a request to update the design parameters for the Morrison Street […]

Common Council Approves Special Use Permit To Establish A Wholesale Facility In Vacant CVS Building On West College Avenue – Alderperson Fenton Expresses Gratitude That Long Empty Building Finally Has An Occupant

The Common Council met 06/05/2024. One of the items separated out for an individual vote was the request to approve a special use permit to establish a wholesale facility at 1800 W College Avenue near the intersection of College and Linwood which is the location […]

Common Council Holds Wheel Tax Resolution For 2 Weeks – Will Take Resolution Back Up At June 19 Meeting

The Common Council met 06/05/2024. One of the items they separated out for an individual vote was the resolution to increase the wheel tax by $10, bringing it from $20 a year per vehicle to $30 a year. The Finance Committee had recommended the resolution […]