The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 06/24/2024 at 6PM.
They will be voting on a number of action items starting with two policy updates. They will be updating the International Exchange Study Policy with a current list of sponsoring organizations that the District works with.
They will also be update the policy regarding the administration of drug products and medication to students to allow parents to provide consent for their 6th grade student to receive acetaminophen, ibuprofen, diphenhydramine, and calcium carbonate. The policy will also be updated to indicate that naloxone is not only stored in the school office of health room but is “also located in the Naloxone Overdose Reduction Kit which is near the AED in the school.”

They will also be voting on the purchase of Middle School English Language Arts curriculum and materials.

The Board will also be voting to accept and receive several monitoring reports.
The most recent Learning Environment/Student Behavior monitoring report indicates that the District is compliant with 14 indicators and noncompliant with 7.
The most recent Instructional Program monitoring report indicates the District is complaint across all 25 indicators.
The Essential Life Skills monitoring report indicates that the District is “making reasonable progress with noted exception(s)”.

The Board will also be voting on pay increases for educators and employees.
View full meeting details here:
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