Alderperson Vered Meltzer’s Invocation At 06/19/2024 Common Council Meeting – “Tonight I Invoke The Higher Power Of Pride.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alder Meltzer.

Alderperson Meltzer (District 2): Tonight I invoke the higher power of pride. Pride is the antithesis of shame. Pride is built on self respect. We are proud of our achievements, our heritage, our bodies, and our children. We are proud of our children’s accomplishments, and we are proud of our community’s excellence and uniqueness. We are proud in the face of adversity, and we are proud when we exceed limitations. We are proud when as members of a minority, we are able to earn the respect of our peers as our authentic selves even though we don’t conform to the majority.

There was always a pressure from the majority for minorities to feel shame for their failure or refusal to conform. In the face of that pressure, those who hold on to their identities and strive to cultivate self respect in a hostile environment have truly earned the pride that they deserve.

Tonight, I invoke the higher power of pride. Have you ever been told that you couldn’t do something? Have you ever been told that you couldn’t be something? Have you ever been told that there was something wrong with you, something you were born with and couldn’t change that would always be a barrier for you? And have you ever proven whoever said that wrong? And have you ever earned their respect in spite of their initial judgment and closed mindedness? How did that feel? That’s pride. It’s a beautiful feeling. It’s a celebratory feeling. I want you to think about that feeling. I want you to think about how it’s an evolution of self respect, a validation of self, a celebration of personal strength. Tonight, I invoke the higher power of pride.

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