Common Council Meeting 06/19/2024 – Will Vote On Wheel Tax Resolution, Pesticide Prohibition Resolution, Proposal To Create Ordinance Banning Short Term Rental Of Scooters In Appleton

The Common Council is meeting 06/19/2024 at 7PM. Last week was a week with full committee meetings so there is a lot on the agenda including two resolutions. They will be taking up the resolution to increase the wheel tax. This resolution was held at […]

Transit Commission Approves Reduction To Fix Route Bus Schedule Hours And Move To Demand Response Connector Service – Move Characterized As A “Transition” Not “Cutting”

The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 06/11/2024. The item that took up most of the meeting’s time was the request to approve the request to reduce evening and Saturday hours for fixed route buses and replace that service with the Valley Transit Connector service to […]