Board Of Health Reviews Two Tuberculosis Related Items – Approves Updates To Tuberculosis Screening Policy, Reviews Increase To Public Health Nursing FTE In Response To Increased Tuberculosis Cases

The Board of Health met 06/12/2024. There were two items on the agenda that pertained to tuberculosis in the Fox Cities. One was an action item, which was to review and approve the city’s existing Tuberculosis Screening Policy. The second was an information item regarding […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting 06/17/2024 – Will Take Up Variance Requests From Two Property Owners Pertaining To Garages

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 06/17/2024 at 7PM. They will be taking up variance requests for two properties. The first two variances are for a property on Leminwah Street. The property owner wants to build an attached garage closer to the side lot […]