The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 06/12/2024 at 6:30PM.
They have 5 action items on their agenda.
The first is Resolution 3-R-24 which, if passed as written, would require the city’s taskforce on resiliency, climate mitigation and adaptation to “work with the city IT department and the city Sustainability Coordinator to develop content for a website aimed at environmental public outreach and education. This website will include best practices for pesticide and fertilizer use in the city, in order to prevent environmental contamination. This website will also link to the best practices for pollinator, tree biodiversity and clean water conservation and protection.”

The resolution seems to come to the committee with no recommendation from staff, but I would have found it beneficial if staff had included a memo that at least outlined how much such a project would cost in staff time.
The committee will also be voting on a request to spend $43,571 to migrate documents in the city’s legacy document storage system to the Typer ERP Content Management computer system. Although the migration would cost $43,571, it would result in an ongoing annual decrease of $25,000 in IT software support expenses beginning in 2025.

The committee will also be taking up three staffing related requests.
The health department would like to add 1 full time Environmental Health Technician position.
The primary responsibility of this new position would be to enforce codes related to unlicensed tourist rooming houses within the City of Appleton. Because the position is expected to generate approximately $112,000 in increased revenue it would be revenue neutral.
The Health Department is requesting to increase the full-time equivalent for public health nursing from 4.0 to 4.1.
Per the memo, “The primary drivers for this request are a significant influx of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) cases linked to the arrival of a large number of refugees in Wisconsin’s Northeast region and a noticeable rise in the utilization of the Pre Natal-Care Coordination (PNCC) program by Appleton residents.”
The Police Department would like to eliminate an administrative specialist position and create a full time Traffic Safety Officer position.
Per the memo from Police Chief Polly Olson, “The addition of a Traffic Safety Officer to the Traffic Safety Unit would allow the officers to increase their saturation while addressing specific traffic concerns. For example, addressing driving behaviors on College Ave. can be challenging. A second traffic officer will allow for creative enforcement tactics to enforce traffic violations more effectively and safely in our high-volume traffic areas. I also anticipate the expanded ability of traffic officers to work with neighborhood patrol officers on targeted complaint-driven enforcement.” This change will potentially cost $22,611 a year.
View full meeting details here:
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