City Plan Commission Meeting 06/12/2024 – Will Vote On Rezoning Request, Updates To Metropolitan Planning Organization

The City Plan Commission is meeting 06/12/2024 at 3:30PM.

They have three action items on the agenda.

The first is a rezoning request and associated public hearing to change a lot on N Owaissa Street and a lot of E Amelia Street from an R-1B Single-Family District to am R-1C Central City Residential District. The owner wants to adjust the lot line between the two residential parcels.

The existing parcels are smaller than the minimum lot size for parcels zoned R-1B. Rezoning them to R-1C will make them legally conforming parcels and facilitate the lot line adjustment. Staff is recommending approval of the request.

The second is a request to approve wetland restriction modifications for some lots in the North Edgewood Estates subdivision.

The third is a request to approve a resolution supporting and approving of the new Appleton (Fox Cities) Metropolitan Planning Organization policy board structure and re-designation agreement. The current structure of the organization is not compliant with federal requirements. The changes will bring it into compliance.

View full meeting details here:

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