Alderpersons Croatt And Hayden Introduce Resolution To Eliminate No Mow May

During the Common Council meeting on 06/05/2024 one resolution was submitted. Signed by Alderpersons Chris Croatt (District 14) and Patrick Hayden (District 7) Resolution 7-R-24 would eliminate No Mow May in the City of Appleton.

The basis for this action as set forth in the resolute is:

  • The study originally used to support the program was retracted and the publisher indicated its findings were “unreliable and could impact the results.”
  • Other apiologist have said that long grass provides no discernible benefit for bees and other pollinators.
  • Neighboring communities such as Fox Crossing have rescinded their No Mow May programs.
  • A UW Madison Professor Emeritus has stated No Mow May is “probably having little impact,” and better options for pollinator health exist.
  • Some research indicates the mowing that happens immediately after No Mow May can have a negative impact on other insect populations and tall grass increases the likelihood of rodent/pest populations.
  • Post-No Mow May non-compliance has increased the workload of the city’s inspections division in June.
  • ”[M]any that participated in No Mow May are not taking any other significant actions to help the bee population.”

In April of 2023, the Council voted 11-3 against a different resolution that called for eliminating No Mow May. That resolution focused heavily on the fact that the study initially used to promote the program had been retracted, an issue that proved to result in contentious interpersonal issues on the Council because the author of that study, Israel Del Toro, had been a sitting Council member at the time.

This resolution, however, puts forth other reasons as the basis for eliminating the program, and Professor Del Toro is no longer a member of the Council. Additionally, there has been another year to observe the impacts, both positive and negative, of No Mow May, so perhaps the discussion will go differently than it did in 2023.

The resolution has been referred to the Municipal Services Committee for an initial review and vote.

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