Municipal Services Committee Meeting 05/20/2024 – Will Discuss Bird E-Scooters

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 05/20/2024 at 4:30PM.

The item on the agenda of most interest to the public will probably be the information item which looks like it will be a discussion of some sort regarding the Bird scooters.

The action items on the agenda seem fairly straightforward. The committee will be voting on:

  • A request from the Trout Museum for a street occupancy permit to allow them to install a sign that overhangs College Avenue.
  • Another street occupancy permit to allow the Commodore Club to place tables and chairs on College Avenue.
  • A recommendation from the Public Arts Committee to approve a request from Neo Medina and the Trout Museum of Art to paint a mural inside the Red Ramp on Superior Street.
  • A request to award the 2024 epoxy pavement marking maintenance contract to Century Traffic in an amount not to exceed $178,195.90.
  • A request to approve parking changes on 2nd Street and Lynndale Drive prohibiting parking from 7Am to 5PM in that area.

View full meeting details here:

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