Representative Of Bird Rides Speaks To Municipal Services Committee – Asks To Continue E-Scooter Program In Appleton, Provides Information On New Virtual Docking Ports

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/06/2024. As an information item, they met with a representative of the company that manages the Bird Scooters. Adam Davis, the Principal Government Partnerships Manager at Bird appeared before the committee and told them Bird hoped to remain in partnership […]

Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim’s Invocation At 05/01/2024 Common Council Meeting – “Gracious God, help us to always remember that being a member of the majority doesn’t necessarily make us right, just part of a group that thinks alike.”

In 2023, the Common Council had voted to eliminate free form invocations and rather have a set script to serve as the invocation before Council meetings. This year, during their organizational meeting, they voted to change that rule and allow alderpersons to “have the option […]