The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/27/2024. One of the items on the agenda was the scheduled public appearance by a representative of Pillow Talk-N-Wine regarding the 50 demerit point license violation they were recently convicted of related to an incident in which they were open after hours.

City Attorney Zak Buruin, told the committee, “Essentially, this involves an incident where the license establishment was open after hours. There were a number of people there past the closing time. There were a number of officers that expelled a fair amount of effort to try and gain entrance into the establishment to ascertain what was going on. I believe the bartender and the owner were both cited based on separate behavior, and I believe it is the license holder who’s likely here to address the matter today.”
The license holder was not, however, there to address the matter; nor was any other representative of the business.
The letter from the city to the license holder clearly told them that they were “required” to attend the meeting in order to “inform the Committee about your efforts to rectify the issues that caused the imposition of any demerit points”. Additionally, the language in the Municipal Code states that licensees in this situation “shall appear” before the Safety and Licensing Committee. However, there doesn’t seem to be an enforcement clause in that section of the Municipal Code that addresses what happens if a license holder does not appear, and, to my knowledge, this is the first time this has happened since the new demerit point system was enacted.

Next steps if any were not discussed at the committee meeting. The public hearing was closed, and the committee went on to the remainder of its agenda.
View full meeting details and video here:
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