Safety And Licensing Committee Discusses McGuinness Irish Pub Alcohol License Violation For Being Open After Hours – Owner Apologizes And Explains It Was Due To A Misunderstanding

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 02/14/2024. They had one public appearance by the owner of McGuinness Irish Pub to discuss the 50 point demerit alcohol license violation he incurred for being open after hours/failing to vacate. The discussion was brief, but I have prepared […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Deny Resolution That Would Have Closed Whitman Yard Waste Site

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/12/2024. One of the items they took up was Resolution 12-R-23 which called for the closure of the Whitman Yard Waste Site. This item was held for a month at the 01/08/2024 Municipal Services Committee meeting in order to provide […]