The Finance Committee met 01/09/2024. One of the items they discussed was the request to approve the “Library Signage Package” contract to Seating Concepts Inc., in the amount of $185,994.61 with a contingency of $10,000 for a project total not to exceed $195,994.61.

The committee approved this by a vote of 5-0.
I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download:
Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) was happy the item was under the $250,000 the city had anticipated it would cost, but she was concerned that only one company submitted a bid. Director of Parks Recreation And Facilities Dean Gazza thought the reason only one contractor submitted a bid was because of the magnitude of the work.
Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) confirmed with Director Gazza that there would be no further Library Project related contract items/packages to be brought forward. This was the last construction related contract.
Alderperson Doran noted he had read a news story about the fundraising effort for the library that indicated the Friends of Appleton Public Library had not yet reached its $12 million goal. [Presumably this Post Crescent article.] He remembered the numbers in the article showing they had around $2 million still to go. [They actually have $1.4 million left to go.]
He wondered if there were any options to possibly pare back some of the signage work to provide something of a buffer if the Friends were not able to raise the full $12 million they had committed to. Director Gazza thought it would be challenging to rework the signage contract or reduce its cost. There were some murals that were included in the package; however, a lot of the signage was necessary for code compliance as well as to help people know where they were and where different areas were located. He did not think that removing the non-essential items such as the murals would make a significant difference in the overall cost and it would be more expensive to add those items at a later date.
Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) serves on the Library Board and said, “I think it’s important to point out that the capital campaign just started at the end of November. And as far as I understand from my discussions, we are running—I don’t want to say ahead because I don’t want to speak out of turn, but that we are on track fundraising-wise, and that there aren’t any concerns at this time.”
The committee went on to unanimously approve the Library signage contract as presented by staff without any amendments.
View full meeting details and video here:
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