Library Board Meeting 02/28/2023 – Will Establish Library Director’s Goals For 2023, Review 2022 Annual Report

The Library Board is meeting 02/28/2023 at 4:30PM. It looks like it could potentially be a somewhat lengthy meeting because they will both be working on establishing the Library Director’s 2023 performance goals as well as receiving the 2022 Annual Report. They may go into […]

Board Of Education Meeting 02/27/2023 – Will Receive Update On Referendum And A Report On Newcomers And Students With Refugee Background

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 02/27/2023 at 6PM. Actual Board business seems very nominal, consisting of approving educator new hires, resignations, and retirements. The Board will, however, be receiving a number of updates and presentations including an update on the […]

Finance Committee Approves Items Related To Valley Transit Grants, Discusses City’s Lead/Galvanized Line Replacement Program, Approves Redevelopment Contract For Vosters Park

The Finance Committee met 02/20/2023. The meeting was brief, clocking in at just over 15 minutes in length, and the committee unanimously approved all action items. I’ve prepared a complete transcript of the meeting for your downloading pleasure. Although it was a short meeting, several […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Expansion Of Pedestrian Safety Study To A “Complete Streets” Study – Will Update And Consolidate Existing Policies, Create Street Design Guide, Prioritize 15 Locations For Enhancements

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/20/2023. One of the items they voted on was a request to approve the scope of Complete Streets pedestrian study. Back in March of 2022, the Common Council approved Resolution 2-R-22 which included allocating $75,000 in excess general fund dollars […]

Mayor Woodford Provides Further Details On Trout Museum’s Communication With The City – “Council was clear with us that they expected us to devote as little staff time as possible to this process and analysis to ensure minimum taxpayer expense. As such […] I opted to not engage staff and I, myself, was minimally engaged”

Last week, Mayor Woodford updated the Common Council on Trout Museum of Art’s proposal to build a museum on the grounds of the Ellen Kort Peace Park. In that update reported “The Trout Museum of Art had engaged Westwood Professional Services to conduct the Phase […]

Municipal Services Committee Holds Bird E-Scooter Vote Until 03/06/2023 Meeting – Indicates Desire To Change Agreement To 1-Year Instead of 2-Year, Wants To Learn More About How Bird Is Handling Parking And Safety Issues

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/20/2023. One of the items they took up was the request to approve a two-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Bird Rides, Inc for an electric scooter program within the city through December 31, 2024. The committee discussed some of […]

Municipal Services Committee Receives Update On College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration Proposal – 4 Lane To 3 Lane Conversion To Be Turned Into An 18-Month Trial Project

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/20/2023. They received one information item which was an update on the College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration Proposal. I’ve prepared a PDF transcript of the discussion for download. As laid out in the memo submitted to the committee and as a […]

Mayor Issues Proclamation Declaring Class III Snow Emergency In Appleton From 5PM 02/22 to 5AM 02/24 – Will All Things Appleton Editor Make It Home From Work Tonight?

Mayor Woodford has issued a proclamation declaring a Class III Snow Emergency in Appleton from 5PM today (02/22/2023) through 5AM Friday (02/24/2023). This will prohibit parking “on all city streets at all times to allow crews to clear the snow in a safe and efficient […]

Transit Commission Approves Acceptance Of $3 Million In Grants, Awards Contract For Phase One Of Whitman Avenue Facility Remodeling Project, Gives Go-Ahead To Seek Additional Grants For Whitman Avenue And Transit Center Projects

The Fox Cities Transit Commission met 02/20/2023 and approved three action items related to the Whitman Avenue Facility Redevelopment Project. Back in 2021, this project had initially been estimated to cost between $6.5 and $7.6 million. Inflation and economic factors have since caused its cost […]