The Common Council is meeting 11/15/2023 at 7PM.
There aren’t a lot of items on the agenda, and it’s hard to know exactly what may be separated out for an individual vote.
One of the items that resulted in a lot of discussion at the committee level was the recommendation by the City Attorney and the Utilities Director to opt out of the PFAS class action settlements against 3M and Du Pont and give up a potential $2 million settlement amount.

The Council will also be holding a public hearing and then voting on a request to rezone the lot along Wisconsin Avenue on which St. Therese Catholic Church sits to a C-1 Neighborhood Mixed Use zoning. The church will still remain, but this change would facilitate potential development of the rest of the site including for commercial and residential purposes. The rezoning was approved at the City Plan Commission meeting on 10/11/2023 with no concerns being raised by the public or the commission members and no extended discussion.

Additionally, Alderperson Denise Fenton had indicated on her aldermanic Facebook page that she was going to move for reconsideration of the 2025 aldermanic salaries item that was initially voted on and did not pass at the 11/01/2023 Common Council meeting. She had said she was going to make that motion at the special session of the Council on 11/08/2023, but that did not happen. I don’t know if she will make that motion at the 11/15/2023 regular Common Council meeting.
View full meeting details here:
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