Municipal Services Committee Meeting 11/06/2023 – Will Vote On 2023 Land Acquisition Services Contract, Hold Design Hearing For Morrison Street And Perkins Street Pavement Projects

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 11/06/2023 at 4:30PM. They will be holding a public design hearing for two 2025 paving projects, one for a section of Morrison Street and one for a section of Perkins Street. They also have one action item on the […]

Common Council Fails To Make Changes To Aldermanic Salary For 2025 Term – Alderperson Denise Fenton Indicates She Will Ask To Reconsider Item At 11/08/2023 Council Meeting

The Common Council met 11/01/2023. Almost an hour of the meeting was spent discussing and voting on the aldermanic salary for the 2025 term. Due to state statute, the Council has to set compensation for alderpersons prior to December 1st, 2 years ahead of time. […]