The Board of Review is meeting 10/04/2023 at 9AM.
It looks like they will be reviewing two objections to assessments.
The first is for the property at 2501 E Enterprise Dr. This commercial building, visible from Highway 41, houses businesses including the Menn Law Firm, Grant Thornton, Vizance, Impact Networking. The owner is objecting to the assessed value of units 2, 3, and 5 and is arguing that units 2 and 3 should be assessed around $500,000 less than they are to be in line with the value and leases of comparable properties.
The form objecting to the assessment of unit 5 indicates that the assessment shown on the notice is $323,000 and the owners opinion is that it should be valued at $323,200. So, I would assume that whoever filled out the form made an error when entering one of those two numbers.

They will also be hearing testimony from someone objecting to the assessment of a residential property on Mason Street. In 2023, the 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house was revalued at $169,700. The agenda documents do not indicate what the property owner believes a correct assessment would be.
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