Board Of Health Meeting 09/13/2023 – Will Vote On Mental Health Resolution, Tattoo Parlor And Mobile Home Ordinance Updates, Policy Regarding The Creation Of Policies

The Board of Health is meeting 09/13/2023 at 7AM.

They have a pretty full slate consisting of a resolution, a couple proposed ordinance updates, a new policy related to the creation and maintenance of policies, and a noise variance for Madison Middle School Construction.

Resolution 9-R-23 is focused on promoting mental health awareness and, if passed as written, would commit the city of Appleton to “promoting mental health awareness and reducing stigma associated with mental illness through public education campaigns, community events, and partnerships with local mental health organizations.”

It would also signal that the city of Appleton “supports increased access to mental health services and encourages the expansion of mental health services, including telemedicine and other innovative approaches to increase access.”

It would require the city to continue working with local mental health organizations and stakeholders.

Finally, through the resolution the city would encourage “employers and schools to provide mental health resources and support to their employees and students” and “state and federal policymakers to prioritize mental health and increase funding for mental health services and research.”

The board will also be reviewing and voting on two proposed ordinance updates, one related to tattoo and body piercing establishment and the other related to mobile homes and mobile home communities.

Prior to the creation of state-wide rules governing tattoo and body piercing businesses, Appleton had its own local regulations regarding those establishments. The proposed changes would bring Appleton’s local codes into alignment with the superseding state law.

The city’s Health Department used to be an agent for the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Manufactured Home Community License, but the Health Department no longer operates in that capacity so the City Attorney advised that the sections of city code related to the city’s former responsibilities in that area be removed because the Health Department no longer had the authority to licensed Manufactured Home Communities.

The board will also be reviewing and voting on an Appleton Health Department policy for the Creation and Maintenance of Policies. This policy will “Manage operational policies including those related to equity.”

Finally, the board will be voting on a noise variance request for construction work at Madison Middle School. Boldt would like to be able to start work at 6:30AM during the school year to “cut down on the amount of people and activities happening at the end of the day”.

Finally, the board will be receiving a number of information items including the August and September newsletters, new noise variances, and a prohibited dangerous animal declaration. Caleb’s female pit bull mix named Millie was previously declared to be a dangerous animal, and Caleb was required to comply with leashing, muzzling, and confinement requirements. Caleb, however, did not adhere to those requirements. On 08/22/2023 “Millie was off her property not under the control of an owner and not wearing a muzzle or leash. This led to Millie attacking another domesticated animal causing injury to it.” As a result, Millie was declared a Prohibited Dangerous Animal and was prohibited within the City of Appleton.

Per an email, Officer Matthew Fillebrown met with Caleb and believed that Millie was going to be put down on 08/23/2023.

View full meeting details here:

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