The Common Council is meeting 08/16/2023 at 7PM.
The Council will be voting on a resolution authorizing and providing for the sale and issuance of $20.2 million of General Obligation Promissory Notes. This was discussed during the 08/07/2023 Finance Committee meeting.

They will also be taking up a number of action items from the various committees. Some items of note include:
- The request for a property owner of Badger Avenue for a Terrance Occupancy Permit to allow her to keep an existing 4’ fence, lilacs, and other landscaping in the street terrace. As discussed during the 08/07/2023 Municipal Services Committee meeting, these features were already present when she bought the house in 2007, and the fence specifically needed to remain in order for her to maintain the license for the in-home daycare she ran out of her house. The Municipal Services Committee recommended the request for approval.
- A request to implement parking restrictions on the 400-500 block of downtown College Avenue in order to create a dedicated taxi/ride-share loading and unloading zone. This item was also recommended for approval by the Municipal Services Committee.
- The Fire Department Service Agreement for Gold Cross Ambulance. This item had been referred back to the Safety and Licensing Committee for further work. After discussing it further and reviewing some of the concerns about the number of paramedics who would be available to respond to calls, the committee once again recommended the agreement for approval after amending it slightly to include a requirement that the Safety and Licensing Committee be given 6-month reports on the various metrics that the agreement required to be tracked.
- A request to award the 2023 Lundgaard Park Development Project to Vinton Construction. This item was recommended for approval by the Finance Committee.
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