Municipal Services Committee Receives Update From Alta Planning And Design On Complete Streets Study – Study Expected To Be Ready For Public Comment In November

The Municipal Services Committee met 08/07/2023. The first item they received was an update from Alta Planning and Design on the Complete Streets Study Alta has been hired to conduct. This study will review Appleton’s Enhanced Crosswalk Program as well as other street-related issues and […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Terrace Occupancy Permit For Property On West Commercial Street – Permit Will Allow 4-Foot Fence To Remain So Daycare Can Maintain Its License

The Municipal Services Committee met 08/07/2023. One of the items they took up was a terrace occupancy permit from Colleen, the owner of a home on West Commercial Street, who was seeking to be able to maintain an existing 4’ foot fence, lilacs, landscaping stone […]