Municipal Services Committee Meeting 08/07/2023 – Will Receive Complete Streets Study Presentation From ALTA, Vote On Terrace Occupancy Permit From Homeowner Seeking To Maintain Existing Fence In Terrace

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 08/07/2023 at 4:30PM. They will be receiving a presentation from ALTA on the Complete Streets Planning and Design Study. Back in February of this year, ALTA was awarded a sole source contract to review and update the city’s Complete […]

City Assessor Provides Common Council With Overview Of Property Revaluation Process, Reviews Situations In Which A Property’s Taxes Will Go Up, Decrease, Or Remain The Same After Revaluation

The Common Council met 08/02/2023. One of the items they received was a presentation from City Assessor Matthew Tooke providing an overview of the city-wide property reevaluation process that will be taking place this year. In fact, reassessment letters are expected to start going out at […]