The Common Council is meeting 08/02/2023 at 7PM.
In addition to two mayoral proclamations, Business Presented By The Mayor will include recognition for the work of two organizations toward the passage of the Shared Revenue Bill. He will also give a property revaluation overview.
Action items of particular interest on the agenda include:
- Resolution 8-R-23, the resolution to create the Appleton Conservancy Park in Southpoint Commerce Park  – This was passed unanimously by the Parks and Recreation Committee, the City Plan Commission, and the Community and Economic Development Committee so I would not expect it to be particularly controversial. But it is a resolution that would create a new community park on the south side of Appleton, so is notable.

- Resolution 7-R-23, the resolution expressing support for Wisconsin Act 12 – This was amended and recommended for approval by a vote of 3-2 by the Finance Committee, so given that some alderpersons are opposed to it, it will almost certainly be separated out for an individual vote.

- The request to award Appleton’s website redesign project for $92,500 to a company called Revize – The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee will be holding a special meeting right before the Common Council meeting to discuss and vote on this. The redevelopment of the city’s website has been a long time coming, so I could see this item being separated out for an individual vote at the Common Council meeting.
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