Library Board Personnel And Policy Committee Meeting 07/27/2023 – Will Conduct Library Director’s Mid-Year Performance Evaluation

The Library Board Personnel and Policy Committee is meeting 07/27/2023 at 10AM. The one item on the agenda is the Library Director’s 2023 Mid-Year Performance Evaluation. The meeting may be in closed session all allowed by state law which permits closed sessions when discussing personnel […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Votes Unanimously To Approve Appleton Conservancy Resolution – Alderperson Siebers Warns Of Future Increased Staffing Costs Associated With Expanding Appleton Park System

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 07/24/2023. The one action item they took up was Resolution 8-R-23 to create Appleton Conservancy Park and dedicate city-owned land in Southpoint Commerce Park for trail, trailhead, and parkland. Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) who authored the resolution […]