The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/26/2023 at 5:30PM.
The meeting will start out with Demerit Point Violation Appearance for five different establishments that were convicted of selling alcohol to underage persons. These violations were all related to a Police Department sting operation and were discussed at the 06/26/2023 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting. During the meeting, a city attorney noted that there was a legal oddity associated with violations for for selling alcohol to minors in that, due to the wording of state statute, the demerit points assessed for that particular violation only counted toward a license suspension or revocation if the business had another violation for selling alcohol to a minor within one year.

The committee will also be discussing and voting on the Fire Department Service Agreement for Gold Cross Ambulance. This was discussed extensively at the 07/17/2023 committee meeting. One of the points brought up in that discussion was the staffing levels for the ambulances and the fact that many of the ambulances would not be staffed with two paramedics but rather with one paramedic and one Emergency Medical Technician. The committee went on to unanimously vote to recommend the agreement for approval, but during the 07/19/2023 Common Council meeting Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) referred the item back to committee citing his concerns about staffing levels.
The committee will also be voting on a number of licenses and license renewals.
Finally, the committee will be receiving mid-year reports for Legal and Administrative Services, the Fire Department, and the Police Department.
View full meeting details here:
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