Common Council Votes Unanimously To Deny Beer License Application By Core’s Lounge

The Common Council met 07/19/2023. One of the items that was separated out for an individual vote was the Class B Beer License application for Core’s Lounge. Core’s Lounge had previously had an alcohol license which was revoked after they had accrued over 200 demerit […]

Two Resolutions Introduced At 07/19/2023 Common Council Meeting – One Resolution Would Thank Legislators And Governor For Passing Act 12, Other Resolution Would Dedicate Public Land In Southpoint Commerce Park For Parkland, Trail, And Trailhead

During the 07/19/2023 Common Council meeting, two resolutions were submitted. Resolution 7-R-23, the Local government Funding Legislation Resolution Expressing Support For Wisconsin Act 12, was authored by Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2) and Chris Croatt (District 14). If passed as written, it would impact city […]