Municipal Services Committee Meeting 07/10/2023 – Will Vote On Commercial Building Variance Process Services Contract, Street Vacation Near Kaleidoscope Academy

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 07/10/2023 at 4:30PM. They have two action items on the agenda.

The first is a request to Approve Commercial Variance Process Services Contract for Large Projects to the E-Plan Exam. The city currently has contracted with E Plan Exam to review large commercial building plans. E-Plan would also like to start hearing variance requests for the plans that they review for the city and would be able to do this in a more timely manner than the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. Per the memo to the committee, “There will be no cost to the City of Appleton for E Plan Exam to process variance requests.” Staff is recommending approval of the request.

The committee will also be voting on a request to approve a street vacation for a portion of E Circle Street. The street is no longer being used as a public street and the adjoining property owner would like to further develop the property. [That looks like the location of Kaleidoscope Academy, and it looks like the street not only is no longer being used as a public street but actually doesn’t even currently exist on that block.]

The committee will also be receiving the June 2023 Bird E-Scooter report. It looks like there were 25 reported complaints in June but no reported incidents or injuries.

View full meeting details here:

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