Finance Committee Meeting 06/26/2023 – Will Vote On WDNR Loan For Lead Pipe Replacement, Dance Studio Remodeling Project

The Finance Committee is meeting 06/26/2023 at 5:30PM.

They will be voting on a request to apply for a Safe Drinking Water Loan. This is funding available through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to help municipalities assist property owners with costs associated with the replacement of private lead service lines. Per the memo from staff, a percentage of the loans issued qualify for principal forgiveness. The city would only accept the loan if it included principal forgiveness.

They will be voting on a request to reject a bid from Keifer USA for the 2023 Memorial Park Miracle League Field Resurfacing Project. The city had budgeted $175,000 for the project which would have been covered 100% by Goodwill; however, the only bid they received was for $319,550.

They will also be voting on a request to award the 2023 Dance Studio Flooring contract for a project total of $75,943. Because of the Fox Commons development project for City Center, the city is moving its dance studios from City Center to Northland Mall. The developers will be paying the City of Appleton money to reimburse them for moving costs as well as to cover some of the increased leasing rates at the new location; however, that money won’t be available until mid-July, and the work needs to be completed by the end of July. As a result, the city is asking to take money left over from the City Hall elevator replacement project and put it toward the Dance Studio Flooring contract.

As information items, the committee will be receiving information on some budget amendments and a change order to a contract pertaining to the Redundant Raw Water Line.

View full meeting details here:

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