Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Hold Core’s Lounge Alcohol License Application Until June 28 Meeting

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 06/14/2023. It was a short meeting, clocking in at around 12 minutes, half of which was taken up with discussion about the Class B Beer License Application for Core’s Lounge. Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) initially moved to deny […]

Board Of Health Receives Update On Dangerous Animal Declaration – After Owner Tries To Circumvent Rules, Dangerous Husky Taken To Shelter And Scheduled To Be Euthanized

The Board of Health met 06/14/2023. One of the information items they received was an update on a Prohibited Animal Declaration. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download. Back at the 05/10/2023 Board of Health meeting, the board had received updates on a […]