Board Of Health Meeting 06/14/2023 – Will Receive Quarter 1 Report, Review Prohibited Animal Declaration

The Board of Health is meeting 06/14/2023 at 7AM. They have no action items, but they will be reviewing several information items, which consist of the Quarter 1 Health Department report, the June newsletter, new noise variances, and a prohibited animal declaration. Per the Quarter […]

Utilities Committee Meeting 06/13/2023 – Will Receive Update On Wastewater Treatment Plant Polymer Incident, Information On Aquahawk Signups

The Utilities Committee is meeting 06/13/2023 at 4:30PM. They have two items on the agenda. The first is the anticipated award of the 2023 Spot Repairs, Protruding Tap and Mineral Deposit Removal contract. The second is a request to approve the 2022 Electronic Compliance maintenance […]