Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 05/24/2023 – Will Vote On Appeal Of Denial For Special Event Application

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 05/24/2023 at 5:30PM.

Most of the agenda items are license related, things such as alcohol license applications and renewals, cigarette licenses, gambling machine licenses, and pet store licenses. They’ll also be approving the alcohol licenses for Mile of Music and Octoberfest.

The one non-license related action item is an appeal for a special event application denial. An organizer wanted to hold a music festival at Jones Park June 15-18. He basically seems to have not taken care of any of the necessary business/practical aspects of holding a festival including:

  • Having a delinquent LLC
  • Not being able to validate the legitimacy of the non-profit organization holding the event
  • Not providing city staff with necessary information such as what sort of parking restrictions are necessary and what the performer line-up and expected attended numbers are
  • Failing to provide information to staff on the location of vendors, portable toilets, stages, electricity/generator requirements, rental of garbage dumpsters
  • Failing to provide a certificate of insurance
  • Failing to pay the park reservation fees
  • Failing to seek approval to hold a private ticketed event in a park
  • Failing to get a temporary alcohol license for the event
  • Failing to get a license for pyrotechnics

The letter from staff to the event organizer indicates that he has the right to appear before the Safety and Licensing Committee to appeal the recommendation for denial, but it does not say he is required to appear. [Given the utterly unserious and disorganized nature of the planning that has gone into this event, I’m not sure what the odd are that he would appear to appeal the denial. However, I do believe the change of the special event application being denied by the committee is 100% whether or not he shows up to plead his case.]

View full meeting details here:

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