The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 05/22/2023 at 4:30PM.
They will be voting on a request to approve the three-party engineering design services contract between the city, the state, and Ayres Associates Inc for the design of the Lawe Street reconstruction between College Avenue and Wisconsin Avenue. The total cost of the contract is approximately $440,500, $100,500 of which Appleton would be responsible for.
They will also be voting on a request to approve the Local Highway Bridge Inspection Agreement between Outagamie County and the City of Appleton which explains which local bridges are the responsibility of the City of Appleton to inspect. It looks like there are 36 bridges the city will be responsible for inspecting.

Additionally, the committee will be reviewing and voting on 5 various occupancy permits including the first occupancy permit to come forward under the city’s updated terrace policy that allows gardens to be grown on the terrace and allows fences to be erected with proof of insurance and payment of an annual terrace occupancy permit fee.

Finally, as an informational item, they will be receiving an update on the Glendale Avenue Maintenance Project. Apparently, pricing for asphalt materials came in below budget estimates for 2023 and they have around $295,000 in available funds. Glendale Avenue from Meade Street to Ballard Road is in need of immediate repair, so staff would like to go forward with that work. A majority of the work would be completed by city staff, and they estimate it should cost around $155,000.

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