During the 05/17/2023 Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford will be presenting 3 mayoral proclamations.
With the first, which he signed on May 3rd, he proclaimed May 1, 2023 to be Day of Hope in Appleton “Launching a week of hope for all to share the science, story, and strategies of hope in Appleton, our surrounding communities, the state of Wisconsin, and cities around the world.”

With the second he proclaims May 2023 to be Jewish American Heritage Month in Appleton and encourages “residents to recognize the many contributions of Jewish Americans in our communities, celebrate their history, promote a culture of dignity and inclusion for all people, and oppose all forms of antisemitism.”

With the third he proclaims May 20-26, 2023 to be Safe Boating Week in Appleton and encourages “all boaters to take the necessary steps to ensure a safe and enjoyable boating experience while making memories with family and friends.”

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