Board Of Zoning Appeals Meeting 05/15/2023 – Will Review Variance Requests For 3 Properties Including One For A Fence Between Feuding Neighbors

The Board of Zoning Appeals is meeting 05/15/2023 at 7PM. They will be reviewing and voting on 4 zoning code variances related to 3 properties. The first two variance requests pertain to a car repair and sales business located on Wisconsin Avenue. The owner wants […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Approves Amendment To Rise Development Agreement That Will Allow Construction Of A 40 Unit Apartment Complex And 8 Townhomes

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 05/10/2023. The only action item on the agenda was a request to approve the second amendment to the city’s development agreement with Rise Apartments. The property consisted of 3 lots. The developer had been proposing to build 48 […]