Community And Economic Development Department Approves The City Of Appleton To Serve As Lead Agency For The Fox Cities Housing Coalition And To Apply For Emergency Housing Homeless Funding

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 04/26/2023. The action item that they took up in open session was a request to apply for Emergency Housing Homeless (EHH) funding and approve the City of Appleton to serve as the lead agency and fiscal agency on […]

Mayor Woodford To Present 6 Mayoral Proclamations At 05/03/2023 Common Council Meeting – American Legion Poppy Day, Hmong American Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, Municipal Clerks Week, Asian And Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Nurses Month

During the 05/03/2023 Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford will be presenting 6 mayoral proclamations. With the first, he proclaims 05/12/2023 to be American Legion Poppy Day in Appleton and called “upon all citizens to join in the observance through the wearing of poppies.” With the […]