The City Plan Commission met 04/26/2023. It was a brief meeting in which they took up two items.
One was a request to rezone the Seville Properties Annexation on the north west corner of the intersection of Ballard and Werner Roads from Temporary AG Agricultural District to R-3 Multi-family District.
The other was a request to approve an annexation of approximately 1.63 acres extending existing Baldeagle Drive and existing Providence Avenue to the future extension of Lighting Drive.
The commission approved both of the items unanimously.
I’ve prepared a transcript of the complete meeting for download.
The Seville Annexation on the corner of Ballard and Werner Roads was area was officially annexed into the city on April 11.

Principal Planner Jessica Titel explained to the committee that when properties are annexed into the city, they are assigned the Temporary Agriculture zoning, and then after the annexation the City Plan Commission initiates a rezoning. When considering this rezoning, city staff looks at the city’s comprehensive plan, future land use, and the intended use of the property. In this case, city staff was recommending the property be rezoned to be an R-3 multifamily district.

One member of the public spoke at the meeting regarding this rezoning. His initial question to the commission was asked off-microphone, but overall, it sounded like he was concerned/curious about what was going to be built on the property.
Ms. Titel explained to him that the property owner had prepared a concept plan for development, but that plan had not yet been submitted to the city or reviewed by staff. Everything was just conceptual at this point. Depending on how the property owner decided to move forward with developing the land, there might not be another public hearing regarding the development.
It sounded like the resident who lived on property next to this land was concerned about buildings or structures being built right next to his land.
Ms. Titel briefly ran through the development process and told him that if the developer wanted to submit an application for a multifamily development, he would submit a site plan to the city showing what he was proposing, including buildings, parking lots, trash enclosures, etc. Staff would review that against the city’s zoning code standards. The zoning code included open space requirements, building setbacks, accessory building setbacks, screening requirements, parking requirements, and landscaping requirements. The application would be reviewed to make sure it complied with the zoning code and then staff would issue approval contingent upon any conditions that they needed to put on it.
The resident noted that the public hearing notice mentioned the development may include a park. He wondered if that was a requirement or not.
Ms. Titel told him that they had not gotten too far with this development yet. The park had been mentioned as a possibility because the city was looking to locate a park somewhere in the area of the city this annexation was located.
The resident had no further questions and the commission voted unanimously to approve the rezoning request.
The commission also took up the requestion to approve the Future Providence Avenue and Baldeagle Drive Annexation consisting of approximately 1.63 acres extending existing Baldeagle Drive and existing Providence Avenue to the future extension of Lightning Drive.

Ms. Titel told the committee that this annexation would connect the future Providence Lane to the future Baldeagle Drive. The city had mapped Providence Drive and Lightning Drive on its official map for many years. The area would also include stormwater management. It was a direct annexation by unanimous petition, and the city had recently purchased the land for the intent to construct the road and the utilities that are in that area.
No members of the public spoke on the item and none of the commission members had any questions about it. They approved the annexation unanimously.
View full meeting details and video here:
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