Finance Committee Meeting 04/24/2023 – Will Vote On Northland Mall Rental Space, Adding Additional Space In City Center, Approving Agreement With Goodwill To Fund Upgrades To Miracle Field In Memorial Park

The Finance Committee is meeting 04/24/2023 at 5:30PM. They will be taking care of some housekeeping items associated with the start of the new Council year including electing a vice-chair and electing members to serve on various boards. There are also 5 non-housing keeping action […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 04/24/2023 – Will Take Up Street Light Installation Policy Resolution, Receive Withdrawal Of Anti- Pesticide, Herbicide, And Fertilizer Resolution

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 04/24/2023 at 4:30PM. They have two housekeeping action items which are to elect a vice chair and a member to serve on the Central Equipment Agency Board. They will also be taking up two non-housekeeping action items. The first […]