Two Resolutions Introduced At 04/19/2023 Common Council Meeting – One Would Have Staff Re-Examine City Street Light Policy, Other Would Have Ellen Kort Peace Park Left Unmowed During May

Two resolutions were introduced at the 04/19/2023 Common Council meeting. Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12) was the primary sponsor for both of them.

Resolution 3-R-23 notes that the City of Appleton leases over 90% of the streetlights in the city at a cost of over $1 million and that the budget for street lighting had increased. It then called for the Department of Public Works to “review the current street lighting policy and make recommendations for changes with the goal of reducing overall cost while still fulfilling the mission to provide and maintain consistent quality street lighting throughout the City.”

Resolution 3-R-23: Resolution To Re-Examine The City Of Appleton Street Light Installation Policy

Resolution 4-R-23, the resolution To Support Pollinator and Wildlife Habitats in Ellen Kort Peace Park, is cosponsored by Alderpersons Israel Del Toro (District 4) and Alex Schultz (District 9).

The resolution states that “May is a critical month for emergent pollinator populations” and that “the City of Appleton recognizes the importance of preserving and protecting the environment in which we live, permanently adopting the practice of NoMowMay in 2022.” It also states that the city “is committed to supporting sustainable practices to preserve our natural resources and protect the environment” and notes that Ellen Kort peace Park “remains largely undeveloped presenting a unique and centralized opportunity to showcase the City’s support of the NoMowMay initiative.”

The resolution then calls for the city to “suspend the mowing of the Ellen Kort Peace Park during the month of May to allow for the establishment and growth of natural habitats for pollinators,” but also resolves that the park “shall be monitored for and conduct removal of any hazardous or noxious plants that could threaten the general public as well as conduct any trailside grooming through the Park as necessary to maintain a safe and walkable trail way.”

Resolution 4-R-23: Resolution To Support Pollinator And Wildlife Habitats In Ellen Kort Peace Park
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