Common Council Reelects Katie Van Zeeland As President, Elects Kristin Alfheim As Vice President, Approves Mayor Woodford’s Recommended Committee Assignments

The Common Council held its formal organizational meeting 04/19/2023 at 6PM ahead of the regular meeting of the Common Council.

During the organizational meeting they voted for the Council President and Vice-President for the upcoming year, elected the Council representative to serve on the City Plan Commission, and approved Mayor Woodford’s recommendations for committee assignments and committee chairs.

The Council reelected Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) to serve as the Council President for the upcoming year and Alderperson Kristin Alfheim (District 11) to serve as Vice President. It also re-elected Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) to represent it on the City Plan Commission, and approved without discussion Mayor Woodford’s committee recommendations. The following alderpersons will serve as committee chairpersons for the following year:

  • Denise Fenton (District 6) – Community and Economic Development Committee
  • Brad Firkus (District 3) – Finance Committee
  • Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) – Human Resources and Information Technology Committee
  • Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) – Municipal Services Committee
  • William Siebers (District 1) – Parks and Recreation Committee
  • Chris Croatt (District 14) – Safety and Licensing Committee
  • Vered Meltzer (District 2) – Utilities Committee

A full transcript of the discussion is available for download.

Mayor Woodford opened up nominations for Council President. Alderperson Fenton nominated Alderperson Van Zeeland, and it sounded like one of the other alderpersons actually seconded the nomination although no second was necessary. Alderperson Van Zeeland had served as Council President for the last year.

Alderperson Israel Del Toro (District 4) nominated Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2) for President. Alderperson Meltzer had served as Council Vice President for the last year.

Each alderperson was given the opportunity to make a brief statement ahead of the vote.

Alderperson Van Zeeland said, “It’s truly been an honor to lead this Council over the last year. So, thank you for that opportunity. Many of you have heard me say before that it takes about a year, I think, for an alder to get their feet underneath them. And having done this this job in taking this position over the last year, I feel the same way about President. I think that we could benefit from some continuity in this position. I spent the last year laying the groundwork for a respectful relationship with my colleagues, with the mayor, with staff, and with members of our community. And I really learned a lot, and I have some great ideas on how we can use both leadership positions in a way that benefits not just us as a Council but the city as a whole. And I would appreciate that—appreciate the opportunity to continue. Thank you.”

Alderperson Meltzer said, “I have been on Council a long time. I have served as Council Vice President. And I feel that I have a lot to bring to offer to Council in a leadership position. But I also am not critiquing Katie’s job as Council president. I do think that this is an office that gets elected each year, and, you know, changing it up if that is what the body feels they like to do, they have the choice to do that. But I certainly would bring everything to the table as far as supporting all of my colleagues and making sure that business runs smoothly. Thank you.”

The vote was done by secret ballot, and Alderperson Van Zeeland was reelected.

For the Vice President position Alderperson Hartzheim nominated Alderperson Alfheim. Alderperson Del Toro nominated Alderperson Fenton. And Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) nominated Alderperson Meltzer.

The Council was initially going to hold two votes, a primary and then a final vote, but Alderperson Fenton withdrew from consideration saying, “with gratitude for the nomination, I would like to withdraw my nomination and encourage anybody who would have supported me for the role to vote for Alder Meltzer. Thank you.”

Alderperson Alfheim said, “I think that I do my best to listen and to understand the workings of the body and the emotions and the facts that go with it. I think in today’s world, there’s more and more contention going on, and I do my best to keep a level hand and keep things moving the way that it should be with rational thought and succinct conversation. If I am elected, I will continue to do that and learn from Katie. She has done a great job in putting together the nuts and bolts that are necessary that sometimes are not seen. And I appreciate them. And so, I would look forward to that opportunity. Thank you.”

Alderperson Meltzer said, “I would be very honored to be chosen again by this body to be the Council vice president. It’s certainly something I have received no criticism about how I perform this role. I feel that I work very well with Alderperson Van Zeeland and I think that since we do have the same Council president, we have an opportunity for some continuity here and I think that it would be beneficial to this body. Thank you.”

Alderperson Alfheim was elected Vice President, again by secret ballot.

The election of the Council’s representative to the City Plan Commission was not a secret ballot.

Alderperson Van Zeeland nominated Alderperson Fenton who served on the City Plan Commission last year. Alderperson Meltzer would also have nominated her, but was not quick enough. Alderperson Croatt nominated Alderperson Hartzheim, and Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12) nominated Alderperson Del Toro.

Alderperson Hartzheim removed herself from consideration, saying, “I am pleased with the nomination. I appreciate that very much. But I would encourage anyone—I would like to withdraw my nomination and I would encourage everyone to vote for Alderperson Fenton for this position. Thank you.”

Alderperson Fenton said, “I want to thank my colleague for the nomination. I have served on the planning commission for two years, and I have really enjoyed it and would be happy to serve again. Thank you.”

Alderperson Del Toro said, “Just want to briefly say that it’d be an honor to serve in this position. Happy to do my due diligence and homework in preparation for this role.”

The Council reelected Alderperson Fenton.

View full meeting details and video here:

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