Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves Over Hire For Building Inspector Position, Receives Updates On City’s Move To Cloud-Based Enterprise Services, Recruitment Status Report

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 03/08/2023. As was the case for most of the committee meetings that week, it was a short meeting. It consisted of one action item and two information items. I’ve prepared a complete transcript of the meeting for […]

Common Council Meeting 03/15/2023 – Will Vote On Projects That Required Cost-Cutting Measures To Stay Within Budget, Request To Extend Completion Deadline For Merge LLC Development

The Common Council is meeting 03/15/2023 at 7PM. In keeping with the last few meetings, there do not seem to be any particularly momentous or controversial items that one would expect to generate much discussion. It is possible that, as at the previous Council meeting, […]

Tax Payment Appeal Board Meeting 03/15/2023 – Appellant Claims Late Tax Payment Was Lost In The Mail

The Tax Payment Appeal Board is meeting 03/15/2023 at 6:30PM. They will be taking up tax appeals for two properties; however, those properties appear to be owned by the same person who is making the same defense for both properties. It looked like the taxes […]