City Plan Commission Approves Changes Facilitating Mead Pond Development Moving From A Condo Associating To A Homeowner’s Association

The City Plan Commission met 03/08/2023. The meeting was short and smooth, lasting less that 7 minutes from start to finish.

I’ve prepared a transcript of the full meeting for your downloading pleasure:

The two items on the agenda were related to a Condominium Association’s quest to change into a Homeowners’ Association. Principal Planner Don Harp told the commission that the development consisted of 28 dwelling units under a condominium declaration. So the land on which the houses were situated was owned in common and then each individual owner owned their dwelling unit.

The 28 property owners now wanted to change the development regulations under which the area was ruled to allow the common land to be subdivided, inserting lot lines between the dwelling units.

As a result of that, the customized development regulations governing the area would need to be amended to accommodate building setbacks to the side yards and lot coverage standards. They would also need to clean up some of the language because it currently referenced “condominium units”. The commission would also need to vote on a preliminary plat for the newly drawn lots.

In answer to a question from Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6), Principal Planner Harp confirmed that all 28 property owners unanimously signed the application to initiate this change and there was no opposition from the condo association.

The commission voted unanimously to approve the changes to the development regulations as well as to approve the preliminary plat.

Mayor Woodford thanked staff for all of the work that they did on this. “This is a lot of work if you look at the detail in the, in the materials just to make something like this happen in terms of the documentation and the process. Just a whole lot of work that went into it. So, appreciate the work of staff to pull this together.”

View full meeting details and video here:

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