Utilities Committee Meeting 03/07/2023 – Will Receive Update On Polymer Incident Including Estimate Of Costs And Revenue Loss

The Utilities Committee is meeting 03/07/2023 at 4:30PM

The action items consist of approving the 2022 Annual Stormwater Report to the DNR and awarding the 2023 Native Landscape Management Contract to NEW Ecological Services in an amount not to exceed $215,000.

There are quite a few more information items than action items. Included in those is a report on Covid levels in the wastewater treatment plant as well as an update on the 12/26/2022 Polymer Incident. Per the memo to the committee, the wastewater treatment plant’s anaerobic digesters have returned to normal operation and the hauled waste program has also resumed operating.

Of particular note, Utilities Director Christopher Shaw reports, “there were not any regulatory issues or permit violations as a result of this incident.”

He estimated that between loss of revenue and the cost of responding to the incident, the city lost approximately $328,000.

The investigation into the incident is still ongoing.

View full meeting details here:  https://cityofappleton.legistar.com/MeetingDetail.aspx?ID=1084459&GUID=9DC8B195-0815-43AD-B957-EAB3A92C43B4

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