Board Of Health Receives Report From State DHS Representative On Health Department’s Strengths And Growth Opportunities

The Board of Health met 02/08/2023. There were no action items, but there were a number of information items, the first one of which was the presentation of the Level III Health Department Designation to the Appleton Health Department. I’ve prepared a complete transcription of […]

Common Council Meeting 02/15/2023 – Will Receive Updates On Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park Proposal, The 12/26/2022 Polymer Incident At Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Common Council is meeting 02/15/2023 at 7PM. The committee meetings last week were all pretty tame, so I would not expect any of them to result in long drawn-out discussions in the Council meeting, although some, such as the Legal Services reorganization, may be […]

Where Is The City At With Funding For Infrastructure Maintenance? – 8 Alderpersons And The Mayor Weigh In

Back in December of 2022, the Common Council voted to approve Resolution 12-R-22. In its original form, this resolution would have eliminated the aldermanic parking pass benefit, currently valued at $480 annually per alderperson, and reallocated the $7,200 in total funds to the Public Works […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves Reorganization Of Legal Services Department – Will Be Called “Legal And Administrative Services Department”, City Clerk Will Be Made Deputy Director Position

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 02/08/2023. They took up and approved several Table of Organization changes to a few different departments, but I am going to focus on the request to update the Table of Organization for Legal Services because that item […]

Board Of Education Meeting 02/13/2023 – Will Receive Mid-Year District Scorecard Update, Vote On Lease Amendment For Scullen Leadership Center

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 02/13/2023. The meeting will begin in closed session starting at 5:30PM and will continue is open session, viewable to the public, either at 6PM or when the closed session ends (whichever is later). The closed […]

Municipal Services Committee Denies Snow Removal Fee Waiver Request, Amends Prospect Avenue/5th Street Parking Trial Request, Approves State/Municipal Agreement For Lawe Street Reconstruction Project

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/06/2023. A majority of the meeting was taken up with discussion about the proposed College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration; however, the committee did also vote on a number of action items and get updates on several information items unrelated to the […]

Finance Committee Approves Sole Source Contract For Epoxy Floor In Fire Station #1, Holds Vosters Park Redevelopment Project Contract Until 02/20/2023

The Finance Committee met 02/06/2023. They took up a number of action items which consisted of 6 requests to award contracts for various projects and two requests to approve budget amendments. All of the items were approved unanimously with the exception of the 2023 Vosters […]

Municipal Services Committee Discusses Proposed College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration – Reviews History Of Proposal, Listens To Residents’ Concerns

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/06/2023. Most of the meeting was taken up with a discussion about the possible lane-reconfiguration of College Avenue. During the 01/23/2023 committee meeting, city staff had presented the idea of re-striping downtown College Avenue between State Street and Drew Street, […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Receives Update On Park Projects – Alderperson Wolff States Update On Trout Museum Will Happen At 02/15/2023 Common Council Meeting

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 02/06/2023. One of the items on the agenda was an update on various parks projects. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for your downloading pleasure. One would have thought this was the place where the public could find […]