Transit Commission Meeting 02/20/2022 – Will Vote On Contract For Phase 1 Of Whitman Avenue Remodeling Project, Approve Request To Seek Federal And Local Funding For Phase 2

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 02/20/2023 at 3PM. They have three action items on the agenda. One is a request to approve the acceptance of $3.4 million in ARPA grants and $32,000 in Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act grants. Per the […]

Alderperson Fenton’s Invocation At 02/15/2023 Common Council Meeting – “Local government is the easiest place to make your voice heard.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be offered by Alder Fenton. Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6): Thank you, and happy National Wisconsin Day to those who celebrate. Last Sunday…. Mayor Woodford: Move your mic a little closer. Alderperson Fenton: Better? Last Sunday, I watched the Super […]

Common Council Approves State/City Funding Agreement For Lawe Street Reconstruction, 6-Month Parking Trial On Prospect Avenue Near Oneida Street

The Common Council met 02/15/2023. It was a shorter meeting clocking in at under 30 minutes. The first half of the meeting was taken up by Business Presented By The Mayor including updates on the Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park and the 12/26/2022 Polymer Incident […]

Mayor Woodford Provides Council With Update On 12/26/2022 Polymer Incident – Praises The Hard Work Of Staff Which Helped Avoid A More Serious Issue

The Common Council met 02/15/2023. In addition to the update on the Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park proposal, Mayor Woodford also provided an update on the Polymer Incident that the wastewater treatment plan experienced on 12/26/2022. I’ve provided a complete transcript of the discussion for […]

Mayor Woodford Provides Statement On Status Of Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park Proposal – Trout Currently Reviewing Environmental Assessment Report

The Common Council met 02/15/2023. At that meeting, Mayor Woodford provided an update on where the Trout Museum is in its journey to gain approval to construct a museum building on the grounds of Ellen Kort Peace Park. This was touched on briefly during the […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves Table Of Organization Changes For Police And Health Department – Will Use Grant Funding To Increase Public Health Nurse Position To Full Time

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 02/08/2023. In addition to the reorganization of the Legal Services department the committee voted on table of organization changes for the Police Department and the Public Health Department. Both of these changes were approved unanimously by the […]

Library Board Meeting 02/15/2023 – Will Set Library Director’s 2023 Performance Goals, Receive Personnel & Policy 101 Presentation

The Library Board Personnel and Policy Committee is meeting 02/15/2023 at 1PM. The one action item on the agenda is to establish the Library Director’s 2023 Performance Goals. As an information item, they will also be reviewing a presentation entitled Personnel and Policy 101. The […]

Members Of Public Raise Concerns To Board Of Health Regarding Noise Variances Being Granted To Fox River House

The Board of Health met 02/08/2023. One of the information items they discussed was the Approved Noised Variances. I’ve prepared a complete transcript of the discussion. This item received public feedback from a couple downtown residents who had ongoing issues with the amount of noise […]